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cervical cancer and new first indigenous HPV vaccine

Cancer ♋                  Cancer is a disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and continues spreading. What cause cancer   Cancer is caused by changes to DNA. A change can caused genes involved in normal cell grow to become  onko Genes.  Unlike normal gene, onkogene cannot be turnd off ,  so they cause uncontrolled cell growth .   Cervical cancer   Cervical cancer is 2nd largest killer among woman after breast cancer. Its main cause is HPV VIRUS.  HPV virus  HPV is common family of virus that are transmitted through sexual contact. This is not to say that all HPV infections can  lead to cancer in fact over 80% of  woman have an  HPV infection in their lifetime and almost of them can clear it. There are two or four type of HPV that lead to 70-80% of all the cervical cancer ---> HPV 16 AND HPV 18 - cause of 99% survival cancer...




Due to the global warming, any change in the surface air temperature and the net radiation balance tends to produce larger change at the Polar areas. 
These changes are more pronounced at the northern latitudes and are known as the Arctic amplification. 


according to report published by FINNISH METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE RESEARCHERS on August 11 2022 ,
The Arctic is heating 4 times faster than the rest of planet.
Barents sea north of Russia and Norway is warming at alarming rate -7 times faster than the globle average.
Studies in 2022(geophysical research letters)  indicate that the Arctic amplification is 4 times the globle rate. 
IPCC release a special report on the ocean and cryosphere in changing climate in 2019 which said that the Arctic surface air temperature has likely increase by more than double the globe average over the last two decades. 
In 2021 ARCTIC MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME (AMAP)  warned that the Arctic has warmed 3 times quicker than planet and the average annual temperature in the region increase by 3.1C.


Anthropogenic forces 
Ice-albedo feedback 
Lapse rate feedback 
Water vapour feedback 
Ocean heat transport 
Sea ice have high albedo, implying that they are capable of reflecting most of solar radiation but in Arctic, due to sea ice melts,ocean is more capable of absorbing solar radiation. Study shows that ice albedo feedback and lapse rate feedback are responsible for 40% &15% of polar amplification respectively. 


the cause and consequences of Arctic amplification are cyclic.
The Greenland ice is melting at alarming rate. 
young and thinner ice replacing old and thicker ice sheets.
The unusual summer temperature resulted in melt of 6 billion tonnes of sheets ice per day. 
Greenland ice hold 2nd largest amount of ice after Antarctica. 
And this is 2nd biggest cause of raising sea level about 1.5 meters.
The acidification of water. 
Change in salinity level. 
Impact on marine biodiversity 
Increasing in extreme weather and rainfall 
Widespread starvation and death among the Arctic fauna. 


raise in extremeweather event,
a study titled ' A possible relation between arctic sea ice and the late season indian summer monsoon rainfall extremes' published in 2021 by a group of indian and nowegian scientists found that the reduce sea ice in the barent kara sea resion can lead to extreme rainfall event in letter half of the mansoon.
In 2014 India deployed IndARC, india's first moored underwater observatory in the svalbard, to monitor the impact of climate change.
according to world meteorological organization's report, 'state of global climate in 2021', sea level along the vindian cost is raising fasterthan the global average rate.



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