cervical cancer and new first indigenous HPV vaccine
Cancer ♋ Cancer is a disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and continues spreading. What cause cancer Cancer is caused by changes to DNA. A change can caused genes involved in normal cell grow to become onko Genes. Unlike normal gene, onkogene cannot be turnd off , so they cause uncontrolled cell growth . Cervical cancer Cervical cancer is 2nd largest killer among woman after breast cancer. Its main cause is HPV VIRUS. HPV virus HPV is common family of virus that are transmitted through sexual contact. This is not to say that all HPV infections can lead to cancer in fact over 80% of woman have an HPV infection in their lifetime and almost of them can clear it. There are two or four type of HPV that lead to 70-80% of all the cervical cancer ---> HPV 16 AND HPV 18 - cause of 99% survival cancer...